Thursday, December 15, 2011

Poodle News

The college production of Romeo and Juliet (starring moi, of course) went rather well, considering it was an amateur version. My opening night was December the third, and now we're working on a Christmas pageant. Of course, I will be Mary. The proceeds will go to needy poodles all over the world . . . I pride myself on being a sweet and thoughtful person at Christmastime.

I've figured out Christmas presents for everyone in my family except my brother James . . . he is SO hard to buy for. Like, SERIOUSLY hard. Oh, woe is me!

I've been fighting to get my family to set up our Christmas tree early this year. Why not the 17th? Why do we ALWAYS have to wait until the 22nd? Who comes up with these annoying traditions? Siiiiggh......

- Gettele

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Little Actress Poodle

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to announce that I'm going to star in my school's production of Romeo and Juliet . . . of course, I will be Juliet. I will settle for nothing less than a starring role . . . well, most of the time. :-) Honestly, little school plays are kind of below my standards, but I wanted to help out these poor people.

A publicity photo of moi.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's Going on Here

Congrats, USA! Another international team gold medal!

Last night I discovered that I'd forgotten my lip gloss at home!! Aaaahh!! Horrid.

I'm glad to be away from my college studies for a while . . . I could care less for one particular teacher who doesn't understand that girly poodles need to put on extra makeup once in a while, even during class. J

Monday, October 24, 2011


Hello out there, my friends, fans & family!!

I arrived safely in Guadalajara last night for the Pan-American Games. My main interest is the gymnastics---such fun! I'll be collecting autographs for sure!

I got a manicure this morning specifically for these games . . . now I have pretty red nails to match my gorgeous red dress I'm gonna be wearing. I'll post pix of me in this lovely city soon . . .

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

On to Tokyo!!

Well, off I go to Tokyo for the 43rd Gymnastics World Championships! My plane leaves at 9:00 . . . ooooh!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see all the gymnasts. Go Team USA! (And also Team France, because I always pull for my home country.) :))))))

Monday, October 3, 2011

Aren't I Beautiful?

Earlier today, right after my math class, I ran over to the campus cafĂ© and ordered my favorite lunch: a cheeseburger, French fries, and a Coca-Cola. Ahhhh. Yummy. I should really be watching my weight, being such a big and famous movie star, but sometimes I don't care what I eat as long as it's good. :)

A man from the local newspaper came by while I was having lunch and snapped my photo. I was so flattered. He said he wanted to use it in the paper's "Folks Around Town" column. How sweet! He gave me the JPEG, which I rushed to my computer. The picture appears below. Aren't I beautiful?

Gigi Mcintire---so cute!

Of Hair and Schoolwork and all things Gigi

Can you believe it? I had to get up at 5:40 this morning! Yes!! Simply because my hairdresser wouldn't schedule a morning appointment any later than 6:00. Oh, what a pain! :)

I'm just kidding. I don't really mind. My hair needs all the attention it can get. While it's a little bit curly, it's not really as curly as it looks. My hairdresser is a whiz with his specially "Gigi-patented" curlers.

Ooooh, goody!! The weekend's over!! Even though I loved every second of Saturday and Sunday, I can't wait to get back to my classes. I love every single class except for English Lit, which I could do without. Oh well. I have to know about literature if I want to be a published author someday. Which I am GOING TO BE.